Satellite map of Israel
Satellite map of Israel
Regular price
125.00 ₪
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Sale price
125.00 ₪
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Total add-ons:
- Satellite photo map of Israel in Hebrew
- from Nevillenat
- 2024 update
Satellite photo of Israel and its neighbors on a scale of 1:500,000
Photographed by a Landsat satellite
Photographed by a Landsat satellite
The map is suitable for schools, offices and those interested in maps of Israel.
The project is in collaboration with Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
The project is in collaboration with Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
* It is not possible to send framed and/or pasted maps by registered mail.
**It is not possible to order a map pasted on Kappa including lists.
**It is not possible to order a map pasted on Kappa including lists.